The secret to living an extraordinary life…

Salona Carlisle
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


I see you.

I see you waiting for something different to happen before you will allow yourself to truly love yourself and your life.

The thing is…

If you’re not practicing loving where you are, what you have, and who you are in this moment and season of your life…

Not only will you miss the priceless wisdom that is being offered right within the very circumstances you wish were different…

You will do everything in your power to hurry up and get to where you believe it will be soooo much easier to love yourself and your life…

Only to find that you still feel the way you do now.

We’re not here to figure out how to get everything we want when WE want it.

Much of that list is based in dissatisfaction, disconnection from one’s wholeness, and a deep fear of not being enough without it…

Which will only lead to more of the same…

Because how you feel on your way there is how you will feel when you get there.

The real work is about creating the experience you want that you believe those things will give you right now without waiting for circumstances to change.

If you are waiting for the big moments to feel alive and to believe your life is worth living, you are going to be waiting a very long time.

Those moments are fleeting.

So, the real question is…

Are you alive in your life or just robotically going through the motions?

Every moment is your life.

That’s why I teach my clients how to get more than they ever imagined out of their daily life right now…

Because, at the end of they day, that’s all you have.

That’s what really matters.

The day in and day out experiences — what we might call the ordinary — are the only opportunities you have to be more fully alive.

If you can’t be fully alive right now, you won’t be able to feel fully alive in all those experiences you’re chasing.

When you know how to create the experience you deeply desire and feel the way you want no matter where you are…

You will have found something beyond precious that everyone wants but very few find, because they’re so busy desperately seeking it out “there”.



Salona Carlisle

Feminine Embodiment ~Tantra and Sacred Sexuality ~ Mindset ~ Mentoring woman on the sexy path back to wholeness ~