The key to being a more pleasure-filled, alive, feminine being…

Salona Carlisle
2 min readDec 14, 2020

In a world where everything is fast and it’s all about getting ahead,

It’s no wonder we still feel empty and on this relentless search for more.

When we move too fast, we harden.

When we harden, we don’t FEEL life.

Yes, life.

The ONE thing we are here to fully experience.

We limit our ability to experience love, goodness, pleasure, sensation, and the moment…

Which means we won’t be available to feel the very thing we’re moving so fast to “achieve”.

The paradox is that we chase experiences.

We chase what we believe is missing outside of ourselves.

When, in reality, we can only experience something when we are available to it in our body.

The key to being a more pleasure-filled, alive, feminine being is slowing down and training yourself into being even more HERE.

It’s learning how to embrace all that is in this moment.

And welcoming back in what you’ve been avoiding in all your attempts to outrun yourself.

True freedom comes from a deep “yes” everything that’s here without judgment and without preference for it to be any other way.

To know true pleasure, you need to become comfortable with ALL your feelings.

Spend moments each day arriving more fully into the moment with yourself.

Allow yourself to simply be moved by the flow of life.

Whatever feeling you have, experience it — and everything it has to offer — no matter how challenging.

Because being able to feel pain also means being able to experience pleasure.

When you go underneath the story, all you will find is life.

All that is left is its pure, raw energy of aliveness.

And aliveness is what we are after in the first place.

When you become more intimate with and available to life, you will naturally begin to touch the very fulfillment you’ve been seeking without having to go anywhere else to get it.

This is how you start to have more of what you desire.



Salona Carlisle

Feminine Embodiment ~Tantra and Sacred Sexuality ~ Mindset ~ Mentoring woman on the sexy path back to wholeness ~