How To Win With Your Desires

Salona Carlisle
3 min readFeb 8, 2022


There’s a desire you have.

Yes, that one.

The one that runs through your veins, moves you to your core, and arouses your heart like nothing else.

The one that may have even dwindled down to barely an ember in the face of all your doubt and disbelief that it’s even possible for you in this lifetime.

But, it’s still flickering.

It’s still burning.

It’s still hot.

That’s what matters.

The only question is … are going to let it go all the way out or choose to fan its flames even brighter?

Most women are afraid to lean into their desire with all their heart for fear that it may not happen.

It feels safer to protect themselves from the potential disappointment.

But here’s the thing …

You don’t know that it won’t happen any more than you know that it will happen.

You don’t actually have any more proof that it’s unrealistic and out of reach than you have proof that it’s literally closer than ever and just about to unfold in your experience.

Feel the truth of that and what it inspires in you.

One option is to never let yourself go there and just plan for disappointment and continue to feel it ahead of time.

The other option is to allow yourself to lean into what hasn’t happened yet and into something beyond anything you’ve ever known with all your heart and be willing to risk the feeling of disappointment if and when you ever face it.

Part of the work is being willing to let go of any guarantee of it going a certain way, opening to the possibility of it being even better, and then trusting that whatever unfolds is an even greater gift in service of you reclaiming even more of your wholeness, power, and freedom.

An even bigger part of the work is trusting yourself to still create the life you want no matter what.

When you can do both of those, you are then fully available for infinite possibility rather than continuing to assume impossibility by default.

You’re free to delight in your desires to your heart’s content, breathe more life into them, and give yourself permission to believe in what you cannot see.

Simply because it feels better to be on the side of your desire rather than your doubt.

It always feels better to stay wide open to the vastness of potential rather than to close down and brace yourself for defeat.

Whenever you can allow yourself to dance in this way with the unknown that always lies before …

By opening a little more and for a little longer in the face of it — rather than turn your back and shrink your desires in the way you might be tempted to — you can never lose.

You will always be winning.

Keep fanning the flames of that ember, no matter how things may appear in this moment.

The women who come to me have beautiful dreams and exquisite desires.

They also have big doubts…

And they know that this is the work they need to embody a whole new frequency and way of being in their life that is actually available for what their hearts yearn for.



Salona Carlisle

Feminine Embodiment ~Tantra and Sacred Sexuality ~ Mindset ~ Mentoring woman on the sexy path back to wholeness ~