Allowing your desires closer

Salona Carlisle
2 min readJan 24, 2022


What you’ve lived up until this very moment does not in any way determine what can be from this day forward…

Unless you let it.

Everything that is your life right now is nothing more than the byproduct of who you’ve already decided you are

And of what you’ve already decided is possible based on the woman you’ve known yourself to be — up until now that is.

A whole new life that you might not even be able to imagine right now is waiting for you.

And it’s only one slight shift — one new thought — one different choice away.

You don’t have to make it. Ever.

But, you do get to.

You get to in service of the life you desire that is going to require you to let go of something you’ve held as precious but is too small to fit who you are becoming.

All it takes is cracking the door open.

You’ll know when it’s time … even if it feels terrifying.

You’ll be far more in love with the freedom on other other side than with that which you’ve been clinging to so tightly.

There will be no going back.

The exhilaration will be too intoxicating to resist.

The move you make may be barely noticeable to the outer eye.

But, you alone will know the gravity of it.

You will feel the profound impact of it, as if you’ve stepped out of a cage of your own making.

You’ll feel as though the tectonic plates are shifting beneath you as you reclaim this power you have gone without for so long.

You’ll sense the field reorganizing around you immediately as you step into a whole new frequency of openness, availability, and possibility.

It’s as if you’re standing before an edgeless desert that is far more vast and stretches way beyond what your eyes can perceive…

Unwritten and untouched by anything that has been before now.

You get to choose again in any moment.



Salona Carlisle

Feminine Embodiment ~Tantra and Sacred Sexuality ~ Mindset ~ Mentoring woman on the sexy path back to wholeness ~