Choosing a sexy relationship with yourself

Salona Carlisle
2 min readDec 18, 2020

As women, we’re raised and taught to believe that our beauty and femininity is dependent on whether a man CHOOSES us or not.

For this reason, so many single women fall into the trap of feeling less whole, less desirable, and like less of a woman as long as there’s not man in the picture.

When you feel like you’re waiting on a man to feel feminine, beautiful, and experience pleasure…

You will cut yourself off from those very qualities that you most want…

And the experience you most want of yourself and your life.

Here’s the truth…

Being a deeply sensual, feminine, and desirable woman isn’t based on a man.

It’s is a conscious choice that you get to make.

It’s based on what YOU think and feel about you.

It’s based on the experience and pleasure YOU create for yourself and in your own life.

Just as easily as you choose to see yourself as anything other than beautiful…

You can to choose to see and inhabit your stunning beauty instead.

The time you aren’t with a man is the BEST time to develop a sexy and intimate relationship with your body, yourself, and your life.

Then you get to experience all the femininity, beauty, and pleasure you want in your life.

Then you get to choose a man just because you want him — NOT because you need him.

It all starts with choosing YOU…

And then embodying the knowing that you are profoundly safe to be seen, to be magnetic, to be gorgeous, and to be chosen.

This is the deep journey of healing and self-reclamation I get to take my clients on.



Salona Carlisle

Feminine Embodiment ~Tantra and Sacred Sexuality ~ Mindset ~ Mentoring woman on the sexy path back to wholeness ~